
Outdoor Sandpit in the Summer months!

Local park trips!

Local walks to find new statues and art work displayed in London!

Celebrating diversity during The Euro's!

Group sessions with amazing Brooke!

Embracing our children's heritages

We always offer opportunities to practice Phonics!

Amazing learning interactions with staff

Trips to local parks

Counting is FUN!

Outdoor sandpit in the summer months!

Outdoor water tray activities

Creating amazing models with recycled boxes!

Mud kitchen opportunities offered all day long

Private outdoor garden space for children to learn!

Private outdoor garden space for children to learn

Developing fine motor skills

Baby age appropriate activities

Supporting Baby led weaning

A huge focus on mathematics!

Supporting fine motor skills

More amazing sensory tuff trays!

Pumpkin exploring for Halloween!

Seasonal activities offered throughout the year!

Supporting children's differences, such as height, size, ethnicity and more!

Group circle times, learning with friends!

Counting is FUN!

Creating secure, heart warming relationships

Mark making!

Role play for all ages