Creative activities on offer throughout the day
Activities linking to special days such as Valentine's Day!
Amazing learning interactions with staff
Endless learning opportunities!
Endless learning opportunities!
Staff supporting 1:1
Endless challenges to develop skills and knowledge
Endless challenges to develop skills and knowledge
LARGE scale Art work!
Painting for all ages!
Gaining skills for life such as Scissor control!
Gaining skills for life such as Scissor control!
Being proud to share their work and achievements
Outdoor water tray activities!
Mud kitchen in our private garden
Mud Kitchen opportunities all day long!
Outdoor Art - so peaceful!
Being introduced to phonics!
Exploring with real foods - creating positive relationships with food!
Being able to develop physically in our Garden space
Cooking sessions offered weekly!
Sensory story sessions with Brooke!
Parent reading sessions!
Cooking sessions offered weekly!
Cooking sessions offered weekly!
Reading opportunities everywhere!
Outdoor snack times in the sun!
Growing butterflies from tiny caterpillars!
Growing butterflies from tiny caterpillars!
Creative sensory activites!